In this section we have a good variety of links every thing from ethnic research to databases and books!
This link will take you almost any where!World genwebGenealogical sites galore,try any of these site to further your research. They have everything from data bases to message boards and more! family tree makerThe Clans,
Scottish and Irish roots, check out Electric scotland It is an excellent place to start. This site has links to clan message boards and supplies basic information on each clan and fellow genealogist. It is site full of external links to essential knowledge in researching the clans. Serveral of the clan have their own sites and can be found with your search engine using the key word "clan" and the clan name.African American,
The tuffest sites to come by; Of course you can start at Afigeneas.This site has message boards, slave role data, general information as to slavery , as well as regional State information and more. Another good Afro American site is the A/A Alabama site. You can enter the site through the U.S. genwebYou could also check out the Oklahoma state page.
There is a lot to say about your local library, don't lose faith, if they don't have it they could do an inter library loan. However if you have special orders, hard to find requests try these idea's